Palpatine is supposedly dead, and his heiress Rey has yet to be born. Meanwhile, Luke’s Jedi Order is in its infancy (according to IMDB trivia ). In the midst of the Empire’s ruin, the galaxy becomes the wild west of morality. The galaxy struggles to survive. Every man for himself. Instead, they need to learn to help one another. A little kindness could go a long way.
Regions of the galaxy barely know about the Force or the Jedi. They are nothing more than legend. Meanwhile, the Mandalorian Creed turns the profession of a bounty hunter into a religion. Very few beings in the galaxy take their work as seriously as the Mandalorians. Their numbers have dwindled nearly as far as the Jedi. What better way for the former enemy creeds to show their defiance to the remnants of the Empire than to join forces?
This is the story of "The Mandalorian". A Mandalorian Bounty Hunter eager to earn a name for himself must protect a force sensitive child from those who seek to harm him. Though the Empire crumbles and the New Republic takes form, the dark side remains strong. It continues in its ancient campaign to destroy the light.
Luke Skywalker may be a legendary Jedi, but he casts other force sensitive children throughout the galaxy into the shadow of his legacy. What happens to the ones who never make it to Skywalker’s temple? This story follows one such Youngling and his Mandalorian caretaker. Mando must protect and care for this mysterious creature. Without a name of its own, its widely popular reference became “Baby Yoda” overnight. I prefer Sweet Pea, the name lovingly bestowed upon it by Star Wars Podcast “ Girls with Sabers”. Thus, this 50-year-old toddler belonging to a rare, powerful species shall officially be dubbed Sweet Pea on Thread of Truth until a name becomes official for the character.
This enthralling first season of The
Mandalorian revolves around several mysteries behind the origins
Mando and Sweet Pea as they scour the galaxy for a safe haven. The
remnants of the Empire obsess over the experimentation on and death
of this powerful being. From where does Sweet Pea come? Where are his
family and species? Where does Sweet Pea belong?
More importantly, why is Mando so
adamant on protecting him?
The Bounty Hunter's Guild is different from the Mandalorian Creed in many ways. Most bounty hunters would not hesitate to slaughter Sweet Pea without a second thought. Professions result in money, and money ensures survival. As much as it must make him cringe under that helmet, Mando is compelled to make good money for the sake of his people as the Mandalorians struggle to survive underground.
The need to survive drives him to accept the questionable deal with associates of the Empire, even though he despises the Empire. At the same time, his hatred holds him back, as does his extreme sense of professionalism. Mando never lies, always keeps his promises, and sees every job through to the end. He is loyal to his colleagues, even those who would not hesitate to sell him out. He values justice and honors life. All of these attributes are incredible. He is a good man and a fabulous bounty hunter.
Though Mandalorians are notorious for being the greatest warriors in the galaxy, his competition is severe and ruthless. They have no virtues holding them back, because they would do anything for a quick payout. This affects Mando’s ability to earn honest money. Thus, he values his religion over his profession.
The Mandalorian Creed is more complex. Much like the Jedi Order, members are trained from childhood and later swear an oath to devote themselves to their creed entirely. All foundlings are adopted after tragedy tears them away from their families, mainly Imperial attacks and raids. They unite in their shared experience, where they pour their grief into their training. It makes them superior warriors earning them a fearsome reputation.
Mandalorians suffer their share of Imperial persecution. Their precious metal, Beskar, is stripped from them, and they become determined to get it back. Needless to say, they're bitter against the Empire and relish its fall. So much so that they support Mando when he turns on his clients after he earns back a significant amount of Beskar. The Empire stole it first. It’s only fair that he steals it back. In fact, they risk their lives to defend him when he rescues Sweet Pea.
Other virtues include charity, honesty, and pride. They never remove their helmets in the presence of a living being, nor do they lay down their weapons. They are supremely proud of their image and skill. They are very disciplined and skilled. Programmed to live and breathe their creed, they are an army of orphans united in their experience.
Most importantly, the Mandalorians are men and women of honor . Mando is gracious to his bounties: protective and attentive. He takes no pleasure in ending a life, unless in an act of self-defense. Unless that life is a droid. He has no trouble destroying a machine.
It's easy to understand Mando's hatred for the Empire and his steadfast refusal to remove his helmet. What remains unclear until the season finale is his discrimination against droids. More importantly, why does he betray the guild, abandon his creed, and anger his powerful client to save the life of a helpless stranger?
The motivation for this extreme risk can only be explained by his personal experience. A droid employed by the Imperial villains tries to kill Sweet Pea, which causes Mando to make the most unexpected move of the season. This hardened, expert bounty hunter destroys a fellow Guild member to save a creature about whom he knows nothing. It is not until the Finale that we learn why he does this. He sees himself in the child. As a child, he is also nearly killed by a droid.
That same droid that kills his parents making him an orphan and changes his life completely. It is an Imperial droid. All in all, the Empire murders his family, destroys his home, raids his Creed (i.e. The Great Purge), and forces all remaining Mandalorians underground. This level of persecution would be enough to drive hatred and prejudice into any heart.
This simple act of defense thrusts both Mando and Sweet Pea on an incredible journey. They connect on a deep level. Mando learns the creature’s ability, values his potential, and comes to care about Sweet Pea who in turn relies on and cares about Mando. The two are kindred spirits, a team, a family, and a clan. As long as they stick together, they can protect and help each other. Thus, Sweet Pea is adopted into the Creed as a Foundling, and Mando becomes his father.
Perspective is everything to Mando, but it shifts after his exposure to Sweet Pea. In the end what serves him most is his experience. Through his experience, he puts himself on a more purposeful path. He abandons his profession as a hunter to become a guardian and protector. He becomes responsible for helping rebuild the Jedi Order.
Season 2 of “The Mandalorian” premieres on Disney+ in October 2020 and Season 3 is under way. Here are some questions to consider in the meantime: