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SHIMMER LAKE (2017) Netflix Review (Minor Spoilers)

Cara Buckley • June 4, 2020

Luke 12:2 - "The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all." (NLT)

What happened to Ed Burton?

This is the question that drives the duration of "Shimmer Lake", because he is nowhere to be found.

According to reports collected by Sherriff Zeke Sikes, Ed robs a bank, betrays his partners, abandons his wife, and skips town. Allegedly. The problem with this story is that there is no way to confirm it without Ed. Ed is gone. No warning. No explanation. Just gone. His wife, Steph, is the only person who can attest to his whereabouts. She wears the mask of a battered wife, and she flatly denies her involvement in the robbery.

Not all is as it seems.

Her story is riddled with holes, and she is frequently testy with investigators. Most revealingly, every person involved with the robbery is dropping dead with every passing day. It is no coincidence that she's connected to every dead body that emerges.

Her lies lead to destruction. Money is stolen, lives are ruined, and other lives end. Meanwhile, her dearly departed child is no closer to coming back. Her need for revenge is moot. Violence begets violence. The cycle of destruction keeps moving until someone steps up to stop it.

There is only one entity with the right to judge.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 - "God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad." (NLT)

What happens to Ed on that fateful night? He learns that the robbery means more than an opportunity for easy money. Instead, he discovers easy betrayal fueled by bitterness. Revenge in the name of justice. It's an injustice. Not only that, but also he learns that he is unknowingly betrayed in the past. His wife and friend betray him twice, and they get away with it twice... For now.

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