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REVENGE (2018) Movie Review

Cara Buckley • May 11, 2018

Women should always put up a fight.

Hunting can have some very dangerous consequences, especially for a party of three isolated in unfamiliar dessert terrain. However, it is not the wildlife of which to be wary. Instead, the true subject of their hunt is the reckless young woman who accompanies them to the house they rent. What appears to be an unintelligent nitwit they attempt to use and discard quickly becomes their worst nightmare. Jennifer is a survivor with a clear purpose and unstoppable motivation. In spite of the horrors she endures, she rises from the ashes a warrior determined to defend herself and find her way home.

Deuteronomy 32:35 - "I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them." (NLT)

The title "Revenge" seems an inaccurate description of the film. - is not a vindictive woman. Instead, she is a survivor with a clear purpose and unstoppable motivation. In spite of the horrors she endures, she rises from the ashes a warrior determined to defend herself and find her way home.

Her fight against the hunters is an act of self-defense not revenge. The three hunters' assault on her body nearly kills her. In fact, her survival is a miracle. First, she escapes their attack. Then, she performs a hasty surgery in order to keep from bleeding to death. Only then can she return to the rendezvous point and catch the helicopter out of the hellish game. Only then, her dream can come true.

1 Peter 4:12 - "Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you." (NLT)

Jennifer is an inspiring and complex woman. Beneath the blonde and the sparkly, pink clothes, she is strong. She is clever. She is extremely motivated. Above all, she is a fighter. She stops at nothing to get what she wants in life. That motivation becomes the downfall of her hunters. They underestimate her, which is their gravest mistake.

Let Jennifer be an inspiration to all victimized women. Let them fight for their dreams. Let them defend their dignity. Let them surprise those who would underestimate them.

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