It has nearly six months since the premiere of the Last Jedi, an exciting and powerful story about overcoming failure. It is also the most controversial film in Star Wars history. The entire fandom is severely split into three categories: supportive fans, disappointed fans, and abusive cyber-bullies.
Granted, the Last Jedi has its share of problems.
Is it flawed? Yes. All Star Wars movies are.
Does it have gaping plot holes? Yes. All Star Wars movies do.
Was the reveal of Rey’s parentage disappointing? Not to me. Not to anyone hoping for an original direction for the sequel trilogy.
Do we want progress, or do we want a carbon copy of the original trilogy?
The evidence in the Force Awakens makes it abundantly clear that she is no Skywalker and no Solo. Otherwise, Kylo’s obvious villainous crush on her would be nauseating. Luke’s exile and loss of faith is absolutely possible. He learns no different from his two masters. Dig deep. Find the clues.
Such is the entire point here. So many Star Wars fans are offended by the the Last Jedi. There is so much outrage and hostility toward Disney, Lucasfilm, Rian Johnson, and Kathleen Kennedy. For six months the outcry will not subside. In fact, it is only getting worse.
I am offended too. I am gravely offended and disappointed. Not by the film. I loved the film. I chose to love the film. I will always love the film. What offends me is the online conduct of the cyber-bullies. They all seem to fancy themselves critics. Countless low quality youtube vidoes have surfaced made by any and everyone with a reckless tongue and a camcorder. Countless comments on youtube and social media saying horrifying, vile things against Star Wars creators and cast.
After nine years of reviewing film, I can say with absolute certainty that PROPER story analysis takes time, insight, and a respectful attitude. Anything less is meaningless clickbait. Clickbait may get instant attention, but one one will remember it long-term.
Yes, I am offended.
Cyberbullying has been a problem in this country for far too long. Such behavior is the sign of an unproductive and unsatisfying life. Meanwhile, the rest of us have better things to do.
Examples of real analysis: Den of Nerds , The Star Wars Connection , The Film Theorist.
What do they have in common. They analyze, not criticize. They are professional and respectful to the story and its makers. They don't hate. Ever. These are REAL reviews. The more creative and supportive the analysis, the more memorable the review.
I've been saying it from the beginning (See other articles). Don't obsess over frivolous details. It will taint your ability to enjoy the films. Open your eyes and your hearts. Stop the hating. Nobody wants it.
People are far more likely to heed respectful, understanding language than offensive, abusive language. The cyber-bullies can holler until the rapture. Nothing will change. Star Wars films will continue. People will continue to flock to the theaters.
Like it or not, Disney is in control. They were willing to continue the saga that Lucas refused. For that alone, I am grateful. They have a story to tell: a story I understand and respect. It is a story that they intent to complete. The final draft of Episode IX is written and ready for production.
Now, Kelly Marie Tran who plays Rose in the Last Jedi has been bullied off Instagram after an assault of racist, sexist, and threatening comments upon her posts. While the behavior toward her is shocking and outrageous, her behavior remains graceful yet firm. She made the correct decision by refusing to allow the harassment and cyber-bullying to continue. Nobody should enable such despicable behavior. Nobody deserves to be treated that way.
Tran’s humble retreat brought to light her struggle and the severity of the bullies’ conduct. Now the abuse has come to light, and the public is outraged. Let Tran see justice. Let the bullies pay see consequences. Let peace and humility return to the fandom.
This relentless, hostile backlash is a serious problem. People are getting hurt, and no one is being held accountable. Those of us fans who remain supportive and open-minded must unite against this dark and EVIL attack upon the Star Wars creators and cast. The rest of us must unite as a shield of support and comfort for the people under attack, the people we chose to love.