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APARTMENT 212 (2017) Movie Review

Cara Buckley • September 15, 2017

Exploring the horror behind domestic violence.

Philippians 4:13 - "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." (NLT)

Apartment 212 is an incredible horror film that follows the journey of Jennifer Conrad who attempts to build an independent life after escaping an abusive relationship. The task prove to be far more difficult than she hopes. Her new apartment is haunted by a carnivorous creature. It slowly eats her body, mind, and soul. Jennifer must fight it before it consumes her entire life. In order to survive, she must turn from victim to victor.

Her journey to a healthy, independent life requires one crucial ingredient: self-worth. This is an attribute long forgotten as is the strong, accomplished lady she who thrives in high school. The long, painful years of degradation and abuse turn her into such an unrecognizable person that an old high school friend barely recognizes her.

Her body language, wardrobe, and demeanor reflects a person with no esteem. Her impulsive decisions are self destructive. She fails at every job interview, because she forgets how to proclaim her worth. She even waits an entire month before demanding her apartment be inspected and go to a doctor for the horrific bite marks that cover her body. Only until she loses nearly everything does she learn to show concern for her health. She must fight for her life.

Simple hiding doesn't help her. She must face the demon that tries to consume her. Hiding from it doesn't work. Compromise doesn't work. Fighting it doesn't work. She must summon every ounce of strength, courage, and esteem inside her to face it head on.

Proverbs 31:25 - "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." (NLT)

She must remember the strong woman she used to be. She believe that she can be that woman again. The only way to win is to turn the abuse back on her abuser. By forcing him to take resposibility for his destructive behavior, she takes her power back and faces the future head on. Only then does she find the peace she craves.

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