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VALENTINE (2001) Movie Review

Cara Buckley • February 14, 2019

1 Corinthians 13:4-5 - "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged." (NLT)

Valentine's Day is a thrilling story about five women's past coming back to haunt them in the form of an enraged psychopath in a creepy cupid's mask. This cold-blooded killer emerges from the ashes of a life filled with torment. Poor John Melton is bullied, beaten, and falsely accused on a fateful night at a Valentine's Day dance.

The accusation ruins his life and reputation. The trauma drives him into a mental institution after developing a serious obsessive personality. Ten years later, he embarks on a mission to destroy the girls who reject him at the dance. Each of these humiliating rejections become their own destruction.

Shelley: "In your dreams."
She dies on a gurney.

Lily: "Ew."
She is tricked into eating maggots.

Paige: "I'd rather be boiled alive."
She is electrocuted in a hot tub.

Kate: " Maybe later."
Only Kate survives because she is kind. He still holds her to her word and collects the dance she owes him. Desperate to save herself, she complies. It is a terrifying moment, but he spares her.

The worst of the five he saves for last. His accuser Dorothy, the girl directly responsible for his downfall, becomes the accused. Forced into the killer's mask, thrown down the stairs, and shot to death, he seizes the opportunity to become the hero. His reputation and Kate's trust in him is restored. Thus, he completes the loop of his revenge.

Romans 12:19 - "Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God." (NLT)

It is a brilliant plot, yet wholly unnecessary. Before his rampage begins, he changes his identity, gets an ideal job and wins beautiful girlfriend. Instead of being grateful, he allows alcoholism to ruin his dream life. There is nobody to blame for this downfall but himself. However, his obsessive personality prevents him from accepting that responsibility. He instead pins the blame on a ten-year old grudge.

Meanwhile, his elitist targets suffer on their own. Each one of them struggles to find a decent man, which makes them feel empty while Valentine's Day celebrations surround them. They try to make connections in many ways include speed dating, blind dating, and video dating. Due to their impossible standards, they remain alone. Their consistent rejections keep them single.

These women are victims to many kinds of men: chauvinists, scam artists, predators, swingers as well as a serial killer. If John Melton learns to exercise patience and self-control, he would be able to see karma take its course. Meanwhile, he ought to take productive steps toward improving his life. He ought to forgive and move on.

1 Peter 4:8 - "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins." (NLT)

Let us learn from Valentine that murderous revenge is never the answer. Live well, live productively, and leave the rest to God. Not only will he punish your wrongdoers, but also he will give you the opportunity to find your beloved. All you need to do is keep your eyes, mind, and heart open to it.


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