Last Sunday, my pastor gave a sermon both touching and disturbing. I have to admit I am ashamed of my fellow Christians. Ashamed and disappointed. He said that the after church lunch is the least favored among waitresses and waiters, because they tip the least and complain the most. My husband being a former waiter concurred right there in the pew. What happened to us that we are associated with resentment by the general populace of customer service workers? Why are we the most bitter and least generous when it is our God given duty to set an example to the world?
Maybe we got so wrapped up in the stresses of our everyday lives. Maybe we’re too spoiled to realize the true plight of Christian persecution. Perhaps, we just don’t care. What it boils down to is that we have forgotten to be thankful.
Studies show that a grateful attitude releases stress, improves relationships, and even helps you sleep better. So, I challenge you, Christian or non, to count your blessings not just tomorrow, but everyday. Let Thanksgiving mark the beginning of a new lifestyle that will improve your quality of life spiritually and physically.
The next time you go out to lunch after church, show that server the grace and humility that Christ showed us even though we are totally undeserving. This reputation we have given ourselves is completely unacceptable.