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THE REPORT (2019) Amazon Review

Cara Buckley • January 8, 2020

Ephesians 5:11 - "Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them."

Between the phenomenal performances and a courageous portrayal of humanity's sheer brutality, there are few films in existence as powerful as Amazon Original "The Report". The story follows Senate staffer Daniel Jones, author of an investigative report exposing the CIA's sloppy, failed cover-up of their "Detention and Interrogation Program." Jones dedicates six years of his life researching written correspondences regarding the program and writing the 7,000-page report and its 500-page summary. What he uncovers is nothing short of horrifying.

Also shocking are the hurdles that Jones must jump in order to succeed in his endeavor. With only Senator Dianne Feinstein and reporter supporting him, he struggles with the impossible task to expose the simple truth: THE CIA TORTURED PEOPLE. THEY BROKE THEIR OWN POLICY AND THE LAW. At the end of the day, none of their "techniques" are effective. Nothing valuable or productive comes from the torture of their hundreds of inmates.

The bottom line is this: The CIA paid millions of the tax payer's hard-earned dollars to a team of sadists so that they could play out their demented fantasies on unsuspecting people. Mitchell and Jessen enjoy inflicting pain. The satisfaction of their "work" is written all over their faces. Not to mention their consistent failures prove their obvious incompetence. The CIA hires incompetent sadists.

How embarrassing. No wonder they work so hard to cover it up.

Granted, some are guilty, but most of them are not. Worst of all, they get away with it. They are never prosecuted for their crimes. All they do is label their actions with confusing, flowery terms (e.g. "super resister", "enhanced interrogation techniques", "learned helplessness", etc). Any decent, intelligent person would see it for what it is. A violation of human rights.

People like Daniel Jones whose job it is to weed out the nonsense labels and their despicable justifications. He takes the facts and puts them to paper. Black and white. Plain and simple. 7000 pages of it. Why, then, must he fight so hard against his country to exercise his basic rights to make it public? So many people in the CIA, Senate, and White House fight him and Feinstein to keep the report in the dark. What all these people fail to realize is just how thorough and intelligent this one writer is. Their pathetic cover-up doesn't stand a chance against him. Even with such a small support system, he is a force to be reckoned with. Simply because it tells the truth. Their inhumane and illegal actions FAILED.

Not only is this film a cornerstone in American history, but it is also a powerful message about the plight of underestimated writers. There are few films in existence that invoke a feeling of helplessness and anguish when countless people that are corrupted by power and greed seek to silence a single writer.

  • Information is withheld from him.
  • All CIA associates refuse to interview with him.
  • He is publically bullied by a CIA operative who is directly involved in the torture program.
  • All but one of his writing staff abandon the investigation.
  • Once the report was finished, CIA officials arrange several meetings where they criticize the report's every argument directly to Jones' face.
  • The CIA take credit for the successful capture of Osama Bin Laden, information obtained by the FBI.
  • Unauthorized CIA operatives access his work, compromise his investigation, and frame him for a crime he doesn't commit.
  • They charge him for hacking their system, the same crime for which they are guilty.
  • As soon as the summary is approved, the CIA takes a black marker to the majority of his work.

In spite of it all, Jones perseveres. He overcomes every obstacle the CIA throws at him. Nothing they do or say makes him doubt his work, because his report is factual and accurate. He believes in his work with every fiber of his being. Against all odds, he succeeds in his pursuit to expose the truth. Thanks to the support of a senator, the assistance of a report, and the compassionate advice of a lawyer, he prevails.

This is the kind of accomplishment that every writer hopes to accomplish. This is an inspiring true story that all writers must watch. As a writer, I know exactly how it feels to be bullies for my work. I understand the betrayal and despair that comes with the silencing attempts made by people on whom I'm supposed to rely. My heart bleeds for Daniel Jones and his struggles.

The pursuit of truth is a long and difficult path, but a worthy one. Do not let the bullies of the world compromise your good works. For as long as you pursue truth, your Heavenly Father will always be there to support your endeavor. You are not alone. In spite of what your opposers would have you believe.

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