According to the US Censor Bureau, since 1960 the number of single-parent households has more than doubled - from 16 percent to 31 percent. Meanwhile, the number of mother-only families have tripled (see article). The family structure is falling apart in our culture, and the children are suffering for it. Children who grow up without their fathers are more likely to join a gang or get pregnant as a teenager.
I know my share of fatherlessness. Orphaned at eleven months, my mother passed away after her husband abandoned her. At the age of sixteen, my adoptive parents divorced, and visits with my father became exceedingly rare. To this day I suffer the emotional trauma of my two broken families. There is not a day goes by that I don't wish my life turned out differently.
To the fatherless in our society, do not be discouraged on this day. There is a reason for celebration. You can have a father. You can have a family.Your father in Heaven loves you and wants you close to Him.