The trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has finally premiered. Less than 48 hours later, the internet has flooded with speculation based on a two minute and nineteen-second video. Fans and trolls alike are eating up every screenshot and every word.
Nothing more so than the title: The Rise of Skywalker.
Ominous, confusing, and contradictory. We don't know what to make of it. I would expect nothing less from J.J. "Mystery Box" Abrams. Naturally, the Reywalkers waist no time taking up arms to defend the theory that Rian Johnson very clearly demolished.
What if Kylo is lying to Rey TLJ?
What did his vision really show him?
What secret is he withholding from Rey?
Is Maz Kanata also lying in TFA?
What if maybe, JUST MAYBE, Kylo is telling the truth?
The theory of "Rey Skywalker" is not canon. Reywas never meant to be a Skywalker. J.J. Abrams began this saga. The answer is clear as long as you pay attention. Just watch TFA with his commentary. It's time to let that go. In addition, Kathleen Kenedy announced many times that Episode IX will conclude the Skywalker saga. Period. Final. End of story.
The answer lies in TLJ with Luke Skywalker. Luke is defined in VII and VIII as a myth/legend. His return to face off the entire First Order at the end of the film starts a new legacy for Luke Skywalker.
The Rise of Skywalker signifies the rise of the LEGEND behind that name. Not his bloodline. Luke has no children. Luke is a Jedi. Luke will never be Rey's father. I firmly believe he never was.
That begs the next question: What place does Reytake in the legend of the Skywalkers if she is not his daughter? She is the last surviving student of Luke Skywalker. She is the one to carry the torch into the next generation, and she doesn't need a blood connection to be his protegee.
Her overall purpose is to pull Kylo Ren/Ben Solo back to the light. This is the overall conflict of the sequel trilogy: the fight for the soul of Ben Solo. Rey has the greatest chance to turn him to the light of anyone else in the galaxy.
It's common for every trilogy to have an irredeemable, powerful villain, a conflicted villain, and a conflicted hero.
J.J. Abrams confirmed at Star Wars Celebration in Chicago this weekend that Kylo remains conflicted between the light and the dark at the start of Episode IX. If Kylo remains the conflicted villain, then an irredeemable villain must replace Snoke. Who better than Darth Sidious himself, the evilest sith in the galaxy?
Abrams also confirmed that this final chapter will include elements from both the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy. It will be a proper finale. Palpatine's return is an incredible way to keep that promise.
Kylo and Rey may form another alliance to defeat him. Will it give her one last opportunity to save him. In the meantime, how will the Resistance save the galaxy? What form of government will replace the fallen empire, the failed republic, and the hated First Order?
A successful teaser trailer must intrigue fans. It creates questions that people need to see the movie in order to answer. This teaser indeed accomplishes that purpose.
It was worth the wait.