In the entire Star Wars franchise, the character of Han Solo undergoes the most development. There is hardly a moment in his story where his actions do not surprise the people around him, especially Luke and Leia. He goes from mercenary to a friend, from cold-hearted to a caring husband, and from skeptical unbeliever to martyr.
Beginning in A New Hope , he claims that money is the only motivator that drives his decisions, but that is untrue. He is always in need of it, always losing it, and always in need of his wealthy princess to bail him out of the sticky situations he brings upon himself. This is a plague that follows him throughout his entire life until his sudden death in The Force Awakens . Simply put, he is bad at his job.
In his anthology, Solo: A Star Wars Story , he proves his failure at smuggling. In fact, it nearly kills him. On the other hand, he also expresses his deepest passion for piloting.
He says, "I'm going to be a pilot, best in the galaxy."
Well... not so much. His legacy is the Kessel Run, but the credit belongs more to the Millennium Falcon and the droid trapped inside of it than to him. What follows is a career filled with failure, debt, and fear. He must always look over his shoulder for bounty hunters and Hutts. Had it not been for his extraordinary luck, he would never have met Princess Leia and would have died much earlier in his life.
However, his destiny takes him down a different path. His destiny goes far deeper than that of a failed smuggler and a pilot of questionable skill. His destiny begins with Luke Skywalker, a teenage farm boy, accompanied by an old hermit and irritating droids. By the events of A New Hope , Han Solo is an insistent unbeliever of the Force, jaded by a hard upbringing and a life of crime.
The similarities between the stories of Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode VII: The Force Awakens lack any and all subtlety. Han’s career is no exception. He is just as much a wanted man drowning in debt at the end as he is in the beginning. There is only one difference: faith.
He begins by swimming in doubt and doesn’t hesitate to advocate for the merciless execution of his future wife. Thirty years later, he believes without a shadow of a doubt. He dies to save their son. Thus, he becomes a martyr for his faith and the Force.
Only when he reunites with the Falcon (and the memories within), does he return to his purpose: a messenger.
This he gives to Finn and Rey, the two young stowaways on his ship, who believe the legend of the Force, the Jedi, and Luke Skywalker are all myth. He confirms the truth. He tells the stories. He gives both of them HOPE. Thus, he becomes the guide for these budding heroes.
Not only does he give them a message, but he also gives them safe passage to the Resistance. He provides them with weapons, offers Rey an enjoyable escape from her poor conditions, introduces them to Maz Kanaata, and personally helps Finn save Rey from Starkiller Base.
He is the person to guide both of these lost lambs out of their hopeless situations and give them both momentum. He acts as a chauffeur, protector, and spiritual guide. His acceptance of Rey is what makes her consider him an acceptable father figure.
He gives this warning to his son Kylo Ren/Ben Solo after rescuing Rey from Starkiller Base. He knows his son is suffering and conflicted, and he wants to rescue him from his impending destruction at Snoke's hands. It is direct and obvious, which Ben already senses. Deep down, Ben knows it's true. This line is the ultimate foreshadowing for the Last Jedi. Snoke admits to Kylo and Rey that he does exactly what Han says. He uses Kylo Ren.
At this moment, Han's words echo in Kylo's head, and it sends him spiraling into an avenging rage and desperate self-defense. He kills Snoke to save both Rey and himself. All because of Han's message, Snoke is defeated. Kylo becomes absolutely livid with Snoke for hurting Rey and ALSO for using him. Kylo is embarrassed for falling victim to Snoke's lies, empty promises, and cheap affection.
This the most most vital message of all; enough for Rey to repeat it in The Last Jedi . Salvation never comes too late. Every sin can be forgiven. All Kylo must do is accept the love in front of him. The words "it isn't too late" resonate in Kylo through one hero to the next, from Han to Rey. Unable to escape the message, Kylo slowly breaks down until he finally realizes the truth of his father's message. In that moment, he doesn't hesitate to kill his manipulative, abusive master.
As soon as Han encounters Ben, he makes a final desperate attempt to save Ben's life and soul, to bring balance to the Force, and to save the galaxy. Han dies so that Snoke may die. He frees the galaxy of a sadistic monster.
Han, one of the three iconic Star Wars heroes, gives his life to ensure the redemption of Ben Solo preceding the efforts of his fellow heroes Luke and Leia. All three risk their lives to save the young Solo from the evil clutches of a snake and his disgusting influence. Would their sacrifices go to waste?
is more to the Force than war and violence. Take away the lightsaber
battles, what tools do the Jedi have left? They have foresight. They
are meant to be messengers of the Force. Their visions guide them.
Their messages are undeniable. Rey sees Snoke's downfall. Luke sees
the destructive nature of Kylo Ren, while Kylo sees Rey's origin. All
of these characters have a direct link into the Force.
Han, on the other hand, tells his message based on faith, experience, and love. He has no power and no visions. (He certainly has no skills.) His love is the most powerful asset in his arsenal. Snoke indeed crushes Kylo Ren's spirit, but Han puts a stop to Snoke's campaign of terror before the complete annihilation of Ben Solo, both physically and spiritually.
What about Ben's faith? Han helps Kylo lose faith in Snoke, but will Kylo lose faith in the Force?