Netflix brings a classic story to life, originally a book written in 1938 and adapted by Alfred Hitchcock in 1940. "Rebecca" is the story of a poor, orphaned girl finding love in the unlikeliest of places. She meets Maxim (Armie Hammer), a wealthy widower, while vacationing in France. After spending several magical days together, he proposes out of nowhere. Even crazier than the proposal, she accepts.
How often does such a dazzling opportunity come along?
However, the honeymoon phase quickly ends as soon as he takes the new Mrs. de Winter (Lily James) home to Manderley, his extensive family estate, and the pressure of becoming its mistress nearly crushes her. The staff wastes no time casting their judgment upon the inexperienced woman, especially in the shadow of their former mistress Rebecca. Everyone around her paints the picture of a perfect woman.
Rebecca appears to do no wrong, and the new Mrs. de Winter struggles to find a place in her home. Maxim neglects her, the staff looks down on her, and Manderley is unfamiliar territory. The only person who seems to sympathize with her is Maxim's sister, but she has her own home to run.
What does the inexperienced mistress do? Anything Rebecca would do. She becomes so afraid of stepping on anyone's toes that she ceases to be her genuine self. The harder she tries to ape Rebecca, the angrier it makes her husband. He pulls away even further. Not for the reasons she assumes.
Fortunately for the nameless heroine, Rebecca is no saint. The high praises that haunt the girl are the remnants of a facade. A sinister mask for a sinister woman. Maxim is the only person who sees Rebecca for the monster she is. When he finally opens up to his wife, the truth sets her free.
Those three words invalidate every insecurity haunting her. Thus, she is free to be herself again. She thinks for herself, runs the house differently, and improves upon her marriage. Maxim loves her, because of who she is. His second wife is humble, loyal, virtuous, and selfless. She is everything Rebecca is not.
Mrs. de Winter's journey to becoming her best self is long and unnecessary. She learns (almost too late) that the only opinion that matters is that of her husband. Not staff. Not her former employer. No one but Maxim. She earns his stamp of approval from the beginning. However, she nearly lets the memory of a sociopath destroy her greatest blessing. In the end, all they need is each other.