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Cara Buckley • June 21, 2020

Who killed JFK?

This is the question that rocks America to its core. It's the biggest mystery in history. Countless, unusual theories were born out of the case. The inhumanly tall "Badge Man"? Ice bullets? Inside job? Come on, people. Slow it down.

Lee Harvey Oswald is 100% responsible for the death of our countries beloved leader, and he set in motive a presidency more destructive and dangerous than our current Mr. Cheeto.

The amazing perspective of "Parkland" reminds us how the assassination affected everyone who surrounds the fallen president, including Parkland Hospital. The camera follows JFK and his mess of Secret Service agents into the operating room where an army of doctors and surgeons tirelessly work to save him. Even when they know there is no hope. The operation is pandemonium, and tension is through the roof. How can Parkland's finest hope to win this hopeless battle? They do a remarkable job in their attempts to keep him alive.

Meanwhile, the FBI hunt down Abraham Zapruder, the man who shoots the infamous kill shot video. He intends to record the president's appearance on a happy day for his family. Instead, his vision is disrupted with horror. A fun, family video becomes a crucial piece of evidence for an impossible investigation and dramatic material for every magazine in the country. Zapruder brings down upon himself more attention than he could ever want. All this patriot wants is a quiet moment to process his grief. Instead, he must relive the death of Kennedy every time the video is played.

Next in line is the Oswald family. After Harvey's just arrest, his brother Robert is put in the most difficult position of his life. As the only lucid member of this family, he is forced to pick up the pieces of his brother's horrifying crime. His life as a responsible salesman and family man comes to a screeching halt, and he must face the chaotic, delusional family he works so hard to leave behind.

Marguerite Oswald, a woman as mentally ill as her treasonous son, is another story altogether. Her deepest desire is to become as famous and loved as the First Lady. Her sense of entitlement is unbelievable. She believes her son deserves all of the honors and distinctions as Kennedy. Anything less is unacceptable, and all she does is complain.

Fortunately, nobody buys the story. Harvey Lee Oswald becomes a social pariah overnight, killed for his crime before seeing the inside of a courtroom. In stark contrast to Kennedy's operation, he is not afforded the amount of respect and regard that Parkland gives to his victim. The surgeons and nurses do their duty to save him, but they show complete detachment toward Harvey. They go through motions like robots, and they announce the time of death as soon as he flat-lines.

Not even Marguerite cares that he dies. Instead, she petitions for the right to bury him in the same graveyard as Kennedy. Again, the contrasts between the two funerals are glaring. Kennedy's funeral includes a parade, television coverage, and a police escort. Meanwhile, the Oswald family must rely on charity from top to bottom just to put Harvey's coffin in the ground. No church will take him, a preacher comes out of retirement to lead the service, and Robert must beg photographers to help him carry the coffin.

One would think the reality check would be strong enough to jar Marguerite back to reality. But alas. Sometimes, crazy cannot be fixed. Always desperate for attention, she cries her crocodile tears for the cameras. It's the first time she cries during the entire ordeal. All she cares about is herself. It's clear from day one. Something's not right in the minds of mother and son. Robert is extremely lucky to be spared that fate. Yet, he deserves the most compassion. He's stuck cleaning up after a family incapable of kindness, compassion, and reason.

He deserves all of our compassion.

The mystery of the JFK assassination is hardly a mystery. Though it is extremely doubtful that he fired the kill shot, he did set the chain of events into motion that caused the kill shot. Either way. Any way. Harvey Lee Oswald murdered JKF.

Also available on Amazon is the documentary "JFK: The Smoking Gun". It presents the most logical theory available. The entire story is based on cold, hard evidence. It is the theory that we stand behind here on Thread of Truth.

Good luck out there, and may God bless America.

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