Married By Christmas takes sibling rivalry to a whole new level. Even in my experience as one of seven. In the case of executive Carrie Tate and restaurateur Katie Tate, the sisters embark on a race to the alter in order to inherit the family business, Emerson Foods.
As the third youngest of seven children, even I was shocked by the amount of animosity and competition between the sisters. As a wife, I am offended by her behavior. Marriage is a serious contract, one that should not be used as a legal loophole.
However, it is a brilliant illustration of how dedicated Carrie is to her work. She puts her job above relationships, above self-care, and above family. She even blurs the line between personal and professional. Her lack of professional courtesy while on the job is enough to make one question her ability to lead Emerson Foods.
During her devious plan, never once does she consider the sins she commits against her sister and the company:
Will she go through with her plan? Or will God open her eyes?
Tune in to UPTV tonight at 7 p.m. to find out.