Glass concludes a remarkable trilogy created my M. Night Shyamalan. The story follows Unbreakable and Split by uniting its three characters: indestructible David Dunn (aka The Overseer), genius Elijah Price (aka Mr. Glass), and schizophrenic Kevin Wendell Crumb (aka The Horde/The Beast). All three fail in their missions and wind up in a mental institution where they face Dr. Ellie Staple whose mission is to cause doubt in their hearts.
This is a story of belief vs. doubt. The three have undeniable abilities, which gives them a powerful purpose with tremendous responsibility. Dr. Staple works to stifle their purpose by convincing them that their "powers" are a product of delusion... by any means necessary. She uses science, drugs, torture, and manipulation. She is the real "bad guy" of the story.
Meanwhile, Mr. Glass takes the role of a duel protagonist. Of the three, his faith remains sound while David and Kevin's falter. Though his techniques are flawed and unjustifiable, he is the one who inspires David to reach his full potential in Unbreakable. Again, he inspires Kevin to embrace the Beast that dwells within him. He fights not only to inspire other people, but also to spread the truth that special people exist in the world.
The reason his faith remains strong is that that faith is his only hope. Driven mad by pain, he obsesses over finding his purpose. His agonizing existence drives him to believe that he is meant to achieve something great. He needs to be special. He needs acceptance. He NEEDS to have a purpose. He finds acceptance with The Beast, a creature who worships suffering.
Mr. Glass' intentions are good, but his methods are sinful. He murders without a second thought, and that is wrong. His methods ultimately lead to violence from which he does not walk away.
There are others who inspire faith through peace. Each of the three has an unconditional support system behind them. They become the messengers of truth after the three perish.
David's son:
Joseph Dunn believes in David before David believes in himself. Without question or hesitation. He helps David embrace his power. More importantly, he supports and aids in his father's vigilante mission. Joseph and David become an unstoppable team that protects the city from evil. Joseph is just as much a hero like his father.
He is the life-long believer. His faith comes at a formative age. It stays with him throughout his life.
Kevin's survivor:
Casey Cooke survives the Beast, because he respects her. Her suffering makes her worthy in his eyes, and she becomes the only person with enough accountability to reach Kevin without fear that the Beast will harm her. Her strength and forgiveness give him hope. She brings him to the light, and she stays with him in his final moments.
She is the first-hand witness. Her belief comes suddenly and at a later age. As Kevin's captive, she witnesses his power and affliction directly. She sees the Beast climb the wall and bend the bars. She also takes the time to know Kevin and his other personalities causing her to learn their weaknesses. She also learns to empathize with Kevin.
Elijah's mother:
Mrs. Price is loyal to her son. She visits him every week. Throughout his life, she cares for him, comforts and protects him. She even seeds his comic book expertise and encourages him to explore the world. Even though it pains him. She remains loyal to her son even in his final moments.
She is also a first-hand witness. Her witness occurs over Elijah's lifetime. She witnesses his suffering, which gives her a more compassionate view of this "villain". In spite of his crimes, she loves him unconditionally. Her gift is a unique insight.
After suffering tremendous loss, the three witnesses unite in the cause of spreading the truth. Thanks to Elijah's genius, they pull together their skills in order to provide the world with undeniable evidence. They prove that special people exist in the world. They crush advocates of doubt with a peaceful and educated approach. It is the one thing Mr. Glass does not consider, and he pays the ultimate price. Fortunately, the people who fill their shoes do consider it. The message changes the world.
What message will you send?