Finding Hope: Rediscovering Life after Tragedy by Dr. James W. Goll is an incredible book that serves as both a testimony of faith and a life guide in this unstable economy with a powerful message of hope. Not only does he tell his inspirational story of overcoming hardship, but also he provides the reader with an outline of practical lessons to overcome their own hardships (personal, financial, professional, etc).
Goll is a brave man. He endured in a few years what few people endure in their entire lives. Not only did he endure, he also overcame. He overcame the loss of his wife. He overcame the strain of three rounds of cancer. He overcame the crippling debt in medical fees. He overcame the ultimate test of faith. He is a modern day Job, a man who lost so much except his unyielding faith. Like Job, he overcame because he remained faithful to God, to his ministry, and to his family.
That kind of loyalty is rare, but it is a prime example of the loyalty God has for us. I applaud Dr. James W. Goll, a true follower of Christ and a true example of God’s love and loyalty. This book is a must have for any and all of us who struggle in hard times, which is everybody.
You can find it on Amazon or on the Finding Hope website.