Before Chris Evens plays Captain America in the wildly acclaimed Marvel franchise where he aids the Avengers in saving the Universe, he first plays a young college student who saves an innocent workaday family from the clutches of a powerful gang of corrupt cops in a time when state-of-the-art cell phones lack touch screens.
Cellular follows two unsuspecting people, Jessica Martin and Ryan. They both appear to have happy, privileged lives. Jessica is a talented teacher and a devoted mother. Ryan has his life ahead of him as a promising college student with an expendable income, enough to buy him a new cell phone, a reliable jeep, and surfing equipment. The two are very different, but a teacher's work is never done. Jessica's husband lands himself in hot water, which leads to her kidnapping. Frightened and confused, she reaches out on a broken phone, and fate lands her with Ryan. Little does he know that the simple act of answering his phone would turn his care-free day upside down and send his life on the fast lane to responsibility.
What would you do if an unknown number calls your phone with an outrageous story about a kidnapping? Would you trust the caller and clear your schedule? Or would you write it off as a prank and hang up? It would sound unbelievable. A sensible person would write it off as a prank and hang up. Such scams exist, virtual kidnapping. I don't even answer numbers I don't recognize. Let it go to voicemail if it's important.
Ryan in his selfish privilege resists her call for help, but the teacher knows how to handle difficult teenagers. She negotiates her way into his heart. He agrees to stop by a police station and hand over his phone. It is not until he overhears her screams and cries during her first attack that dedicates himself to helping Jessica.
Ryan can hear everything: her screams, her cries, the brutal interrogations, and her abductor's threats. He can hear, but he cannot help. Jessica's dilemma is real. He can't ignore it or avoid it. If he hangs up, she will die. Since he cannot pull her out of the attic or pull her captor away from her, he becomes her eyes and feet.
He can drive to the police station. He can rescue her son at the school. He can walk into LAX. Most importantly, he can see what she cannot see. He learns who and what these crooks are. Meanwhile, she directs him. She guides him. Together, they are able to save her family and bring the corrupt gang to justice.
Ryan's adventure is a hero's journey. He begins his day as a spoiled brat who chills on the beach and brags about his material possessions. the undeniable endangerment of an innocent family forces him to reevaluate his priorities. Throughout the day, he lets go of those material things. He leaves his jeep that contains his old priorities on the street. The only tool he requires is his phone, the lifeline to Jessica and a camcorder that provides evidence to the police. Everything else becomes expendable.
What becomes most precious to him is life. By the end of the day, he grows into a true hero. He is a man, guided by the patient voice of a caring teacher. He learns to care, as she does. God wants us to be heroes for one another. You may never know what kind of journey awaits on the other end of the phone. Will you answer the call? Will you accept your destiny? You could save a life or a lost soul.