The newest hero of the Marvel Universe returns to Earth in just in time for The Avengers: Endgame premiering in four short weeks (April 26).
At the end of Avengers: Infinity War , Nick Fury's final action in his life is making a desperate call a mysterious hero. Thus, Captain Marvel becomes an essential warrior against Thanos' maniacal plot, because more than half the Marvel heroes disappear. This desperate situation leaves the remaining Avengers eager for as much help as they can get. Yet, the same question enters their minds as it does to the minds Marvel fans.
The film Captain Marvel
is the story of the self discovery of Carol Danvers that leads to the genesis of her alter ego, Captain Marvel. Danvers is a human warrior roped into an alien organization that serves as a police force for the galaxy. At least, that is what they lead her to believe.
Her mind becomes a clean slate after an explosion wipes her memory. What remains is a mysterious power, a brilliant mind, and a contrary heart that makes her an ideal weapon to whoever with whom she choices to stand. That same contrary heart that guides her home and down the path of her true identity. After reuniting with her best friend, she learns a terrible truth about her path and the origin of her unique power.
Despite her memory loss, she chooses to trust her instincts and follow her heart. During her investigation, she finds that the people she believes to be colleagues and friends are the enemy while her supposed enemies are helpless victims who require her assistance. The only way to achieve her destiny is to change her allegiance. She breaks free from her oppressors.
In light of the chauvinistic backlash against the strong and capable Captain Marvel, one would think we live in the 50s and not the 21st Century. Sitting in the theater on opening night, the preview for Shazaam appeared on the screen and I was appalled to hear a man mutter behind me: "That's the real Captain Marvel."
No. Why? How? Because he is a man? Women are ALLOWED to play leading roles in the movie. They have for years. Welcome to the 21st Century.
When will sad, futile sexists accept and embrace the concept that women can be heroes?
The problem they have with Captain Marvel is not only toward the concept of a female hero. Leading ladies are a growing norm. Either we adapt or stay out of the theaters. Let the capable story analyzers write the reviews.
What bothers them is the story of Captain Marvel and what she accomplishes. The story revolves around a woman breaks free from a manipulative, abusive relationship. Her so-called employers continuously praise themselves for taking her in, saving her life, and making her a fierce warrior. This is called emotional blackmail. In reality, they isolate and control her. They discourage her from using her emotions and questioning authority. They keep her from the truth of her origin. Worst of all, they hold her back from her maximum potential.
It is not until her curiosity causes her to separate from her team is she able to learn the truth about herself. Her crash landing on Earth leads her to Nick Fury, her best friend, and her former superior. Each one of them play crucial roles in her life before the injury that wipes her memory. These three believe in her. They see her strength and passion. They encourage her contrary heart. They lead her to the truth. She learns to achieve her destiny
That is what bothers the chauvinists. They can't stand the idea of a strong, independent woman. They are threatened by the message that Captain Marvel tells.
Captain Marvel encourages women to become independent. She teaches us that we have a greater purpose. She guides us down the path of empowerment. Let Captain Marvel guide you down a path of productivity and accomplishment. Be the kind of person that inspires others.