Motherhood is one of the hardest jobs in the world. The stakes are incredibly high. With the functionality of another human being in her hands, a mother guides future generations to a productive, fulfilling life. This job comes with no instructions or manual. Each mother can achieve the job in different ways. Often mothers must do this alone including widows, divorcees, and other single mothers.
As devoted as a mother ought to be, should she become so trapped in the job that she forgets to take care of herself and enjoy life without her children? Where should a mother draw the line?
Bad Moms
is a unique and hilarious exploration of that line. The story focuses on the lives of four different moms who come together in a mission to reclaim their joy. They are lost, lonely, exhausted and desperate for relief. Together, they search for answers about how to mother and how to live life. In doing so, they discover a better life filled with friendship, fun, and a new appreciation for role as mothers. They find love.
Thus, Amy battles Gwendolyn over control of the school ensues. Amy's desire to spread her new lease on life to all of the moms comes to a screeching halt due to Gwendolyn's need for control. So, Amy decides to take away Gwendolyn's coveted position to extinguish that control. Her campaign thrives, because she is open, honest, and nonjudgmental. Despite how much Gwendolyn plays dirty, she remains diplomatic and peaceful.
Her kindness and patience breaks the barrier that makes Gwendolyn so unapproachable. This is her greatest accomplishment. Gwendolyn becomes open and honest about her hidden insecurities, and all four women become fast friends.
These four moms discover a better life filled with friendship, fun, and a new appreciation for role as mothers. They find love from each other and love from their children. They become better mothers and better people.