Before John Boyegaever played Finnin Star Wars Episodes 7-9, he debuted in the incredibly written and directed English film "Attack on the Block".
It's not very often that young stars land a lead role so early in his/her career, but Boyega earns the role of Moses with his incredible performance. Moses is a desperate teen who struggles to make ends meet in the low-class end of London. He resides in a run-down, low-income apartment building, which stands on the turf of a violent drug dealer known as Hi-Hatz. He's the kind of man either from whom a resident would avoid or for whom one would deal drugs.
Unfortunately, Moses has little choice in the matter. A fifteen-year-old abandoned by his family, he must survive on his own. With little prospects for honest work, he resorts to petty theft and dealing while accompanied by his small pose of four delinquents. They look up to him as well as several other burnout and impression children. Wherever he goes, several members of the block obediently follow He is a strong, silent leader. He holds incredible potential to do good.
It's a shame that Moses chooses to follow Hi-Hatz (Jumayn Hunter). This drug dealer is not a good role model. His industry preaches drug use, violence, and intolerance. Even his music is hateful.
Moses is introduced in the midst of petty theft in the streets. He steals a nurse's wallet, phone, and jewelry. The poor woman manages to get away when an alien crashes into a parked car mere feet away from the gang. Intrigued, the boys investigate the car where the alien attack Moses and flees. He follows, determined to kill it. This behavior makes him look angry and impulsive.
We don't find out until later that he has opened himself to the opportunities around him. He is auditioning for a better job for Hi-Hatz because drug dealing is the most lucrative work for people living in his building. Simply put, he's desperate for money. He needs to live while on his own. The corpse of a strange creature would be enough to earn him the job. It does but at great cost.
Having spilled the blood of this mysterious species, he declares war upon her fellow aliens. Her blood marks him. Thus, they follow the blood trail wherever Moses goes and seeks revenge on the people close to him. He marks everyone he touches.
Meanwhile, Hi-Hatz goes on a rampage of his own from which he covers himself in the creatures' blood. He too marks himself and makes himself a target. The glaring difference between Hi-Hatz and Moses is their willingness to change. Moses is a young man with potential, but he is stuck in a rotten situation. All the while, Hi-Hatz revels in money, drugs, and power. He loves his position as the man in charge, while Moses would give anything to escape.
Angry aliens hunt them both, and they both painfully learn that humility is the key to survival. Moses learns from his actions. Hi-Hatz does not, and that leads to the man's downfall. Moses realizes he must evaluate his priorities, or he'd share Hi-Hatz's gruesome fate. He repents for his actions and earns the forgiveness of his mugging victim. Together, they defeat the dark creatures.
Hatred stains the soul the same way the alien blood stains Moses. If we do not repent, it will consume us and lead us to disaster. Moses repents, and it makes him a hero. In the end, he replaces Hi-Hatz as the leader of the block. People look up to him as a savior. He saves the block and everyone in it. That is not something his predecessor who only cares about himself would do. Moses breaks free from that influence, and the block is better off for it.