Imagine a world without sound. Because monsters lurk, a single sound can result in gruesome death. The world becomes a strange adapt or die existence. How can one survive in such a world, especially with children and a baby on the way.
The story of A Quiet Place follows a family in their attempt to survive the dangers of a monster ridden world. They succeed better than most, which is why they appear alone in the world. They speak with sign language. They grow their food on a farm. They walk barefoot on sand trails. They live in discipline, hope and faith. However, something is missing. They survive, but they struggle to truly live.
What kind of life is this? They live every moment in fear. Simple mistakes are fatal. They suffer, because they cannot express emotion.
1 John 4:18 - “Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.” (NLT)
These emotions and more plague this family more than the threat of death. Sooner or later the danger catches up with them. As the inevitable battle commences, they find they must also embrace the emotions they bury.They suffer for their right to live. They suffer to protect their each other.
Survival is not enough. They learn they must live even at risk to their lives. They cannot compromise they human nature. To suppress emotion is to not live as God intended. To live in fear is to not live. A simple existence is not living. We must face the demons that plague us. We must fight for our right to live.