Imagine a world where is the most prosperous in its entire history. Employment and housing is at an all time high. Crime is essentially nonexistent. All is well with the world. What is the cause of this miraculous recovery? At what cost has achieved this so-called success?
The Purge: One night a year all crime becomes legal. In other words for twelve straight hours people could do whatever they wanted to do without facing any consequences. “The new founding fathers” claim this experience to be soul cleansing when the Bible clearly states otherwise. Granted, people may choose not to participate.
Enter the a hard working father, a dedicated house wife, a snooty teenage daughter, and a preteen son with a heart of gold. They plan to spend their Purge nights locked in their house together as they do every night. However, something goes very wrong. By giving an defenseless veteran sanctuary in their home, they unintentionally invite a terrifying threat to their door.
Thus, Mr. Sandin faces a difficult choice. Save his family from danger at the expense of another life, or protect the helpless veteran and risk the safety of those dearest to him. Needless to say he struggles with this choice. In the end he decides to keep his conscience clear. He keeps the veteran and faces danger.
Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right. This new makes all crime legal for twelve straight hours all in the name of “cleansing” and creating a “better society.” However, the Bible clearing contradicts this way of thinking. When God tells you not to do something, he means NEVER.
The Sandins understood that from the beginning by not participating in criminal activity and then by choosing to value life. That defenseless veteran is just as much a human as anyone else. That defenseless veteran is a good man. That defenseless veteran walks away the night’s events alive and grateful for his life. He walks away with three new friends. I can imagine it would be beneficial for them to have a veteran on their side for the upcoming purge.
When you provide generosity to others, the Lord takes care of you. When Charlie provides sanctuary to the veteran, he eventually provides protection for the Sandins. Against all odds, three of the four survive the night. In the end, the only people who succeed in making the world a better place and cleansing their souls were the ones who refuse to take part in illegal activity.