Genesis 3:19 - "...For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return." (NLT)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is no mere safe haven for children with special abilities. It is the only place in which they can survive due to the dangers that lurk outside that home. These monsters seek to absorb their power and live forever by killing them and eating their eyes. It evil, morbid, and nauseating.
A small army of powerful, cannibalistic monsters hardly seems fair against a small group of innocent children. In order to survive this terrifying threat, they hide in a time loop, stuck in the same place and same time every day for eternity. If they leave the loop, their age catches up with them and they turn to dust. These children have found their own way to live forever, but it is not their original intention. All they want is to survive.
They survive, but do they live?
What good is surviving without live a fulfilling, satisfying, and purposeful life?
What good is a special ability if it is not contributed to making a better world?
There can only be one way to break the vicious cycle: to face their fears, come out of hiding, and fight the threat before the great evil achieves its dark purpose. Because of their special abilities, they are capable of standing up these powerful beings. Their success relies on teamwork and thinking outside the box.
Is it enough? Do they win? Can they break their loop and find a new way to live?
There is only one way to achieve immortality. It is immortality of the soul through the blood of Jesus Christ. Survival of the body does not matter, because of the promise of salvation. The soul can live even after death of the body. Through salvation, we should not fear death. Through salvation, we can freely explore our purpose. Through salvation, we are forgiven of our sins.