Psalm 82:3-4 - "Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people."
Karla Dyson loves her son, Frankie, more than words can say.
She loves him enough to fight her ex-husband for custody.
She loves him enough to pass up extra hours at work in favor of quality mother-son time.
She even loves him enough to tear apart the streets of Louisiana to safely recovery him from the heartless couple that abducts him.
Without assistance. Without a phone. Without a full tank of gas. Without a moment's hesitation. Without fear of obstacle.
Her only fear is losing her son forever. That fear turns her into an unstoppable force. Her relentless pursuit of the ugly blue car captivating Frankie is not deterred in spite of the cost, the risk, or the dangers. She is Frankie's ultimate protector.
There are very few things worse than the kidnapping of one's only child, but to face the challenge alone is certainly worse. She is alone in her pursuit. She is alone in her journey. She suffers alone, so that Frankie does not have to. His mother is never far behind. His mother is always with him. She gives a reason to hold onto hope.
These kidnappers are the worst kind of thieves. They steal children. They rip apart families. They destroy lives. They bully, threaten, and assault Karla. This is how they profit in life. They have no regard for humanity, family, or love. They are a source of evil.
Where there is evil, there is also good in the form of a loyal and loving mother. She would do anything for the welfare of her son. She would do anything to give him the best opportunities. What a fortunate child to have such a loving and reliable mother in his life. He is supported, protected, and never alone.
Such loyalty is a rare attribute. Karla Dyson is a prime example of parenting. We would do well in the world to emulate such love and loyalty. God bless Karla Dyson.